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Customizing Storage Path & File Name

For more information, refer to Customizing Storage Path & File Name.


Optional, defaults to Danbooru

Storage path for downloaded images.


Optional, defaults to {id} - {filename}

File name for downloaded images.

Available Variables

Only common used ones are listed.

  "id": "ID",
  "created_at": "Created at",
  "uploader_id": "Uploader ID",
  "score": 10,
  "md5": "MD5",
  "rating": "s",
  "image_width": "Image width",
  "image_height": "Image height",
  "fav_count": 10,
  "file_ext": "png",
  "parent_id": null,
  "has_children": false,
  "approver_id": "Approver ID",
  "tag_count_general": 1,
  "tag_count_artist": 1,
  "tag_count_character": 1,
  "tag_count_copyright": 1,
  "file_size": "File size",
  "up_score": 10,
  "down_score": 0,
  "tag_count": 5,
  "updated_at": "Uploaded at",
  "pixiv_id": "Pixiv ID, may be null",
  "tag_count_meta": 1,
  "tag_string_character": "",
  "tag_string_copyright": "",
  "tag_string_artist": "",
  "tag_string_meta": "",
  "filename": "Human-friendly file name like that when downloading on website, consists of tags, without extension"

Last update: August 7, 2023
Created: June 8, 2023